Register for FREE to discover what only Chairs and recruiters know about the boards appointment process – information that will revolutionise how you go about gaining a board appointment.


Studies have shown that people with Board Directorships are: more appointable, earn more, are unemployed less, have better networks and connections, have more successful retirements and are able to weather unexpected career changes better than those who don’t. However, gaining a Non Executive or Advisory Board role is challenging particularly if you: Don’t know where to begin; Are unsure of the board appointment process; Are unclear which board is likely to appoint you; Don’t know where to find board opportunities or don’t know how to transition from an Executive/CEO to a Non Executive.

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Delivered live every Wednesday at 12pm it provides an opportunity to meet David Schwarz – the UK’s leading board recruitment expert with over 15 years of board recruitment experience. David has helped thousands of people gain board appointments in his career and as such knows how and why people gain board appointments and offers you an exclusive insight into the often murky world of board recruitment.


So, no matter whether you are an experienced Director looking for your next appointment or just beginning your journey this webinar the Board Search Webinar is for you. Every webinar covers the following topics:

√  How to DEFINE your aspirations. How to set realistic board goals – balancing your aspirations against the realities of who is likely to appoint you.

√  How to SEPARATE yourself from your competitors: Understanding how to de-risk your potential appointment and how to articulate your value at board level.

√  What Chairs look for in a SUCCESSFUL board candidate: How to address the five core elements and three desirable elements that will get you appointed.

√  How to FIND opportunities and TARGET organisations. Specifically how people are appointed to boards and what strategies and tactics are required to do so effectively.

√  How LONG it takes to get appointed and how much you could be PAID? How to gain a board appointment in under 12mths and what you could expect to be paid.

√  ​​What the must have DOCUMENTS you need to support any application are? What Board CV, Board Cover Letter and board applications will separate you from your competitors.

PLUS, every attendee will receive a copy of the Board Appointments Resource Pack – including board appointment advice and a board CV and board application template that will separate you from your competitors.

Register today to revolutionise the way to go about finding and gaining a board appointment.
