I owe you the courtesy of letting you know I secured a board position sitting on the board of an industrial waste facility ... it's a perfect fit for me. I couldn't have gained the position without board directions- you gave me the leg up I was looking for.
Cameron S
Executive Member
Thanks to my membership my non-executive career is well underway. I secured two non-executive board positions in one year!
Sandra G
Executive Member
With pleasure I am informing you that as a result, I believe, of using your advice and the Board CV style and content you worked on with me, I have now received an appointment as a Non Executive director to an organisation (withheld) with a bright future and potential for significant growth and which BTW was advertised on the website, in an industry, I am quite familiar with. Why do I know the Board CV was a catalyst? Because I asked what attracted their attention to me, to which they responded “the style, format and clearly articulated content of the CV”. Sure, I modified it a little to be on point to the advertised role, but substantially it was as you and I had originally crafted it. Thank you for assisting me to make this first step into directorship outside of my own company and good luck to you in continuing your worthy business.
Rodney T
Executive Member
David is an energetic and motivated coach who is passionate about enabling the success of his clients who creates unique opportunities through his incredible network.
Stephen A
Executive Member
I'm very happy with the results I've achieved this year and thank you for your help and training in getting me there.
Glen F
Executive Member
NED Services
You recently revamped my CV and as a result, in managed to gain a leadership role. I wanted to say thank you!
Claudia C
Thank you, since you re-worked my LinkedIn profile and NED CV I have had a lot more hits and no end of approaches for roles.
Michael C
Board Search Breakfast
What an awesome session - lots of nuggets of wisdom!
Jane Sarh L
One of the most pragmatic sessions on this topic that I’ve been to. Really great and practical advice.
Lyn B
Even as an experienced NED & Chairman I picked up a lot of useful points, that though obvious with hindsight had not occurred to me before.
Anthony T
Fantastic! Focussed on the Journey to an appointment rather than just being reactive.
Vijay S