If you want to build a board career, find a paid board role or even get your first appointment the biggest mistake you can make is thinking it is a journey. It is not. It is a clearly defined process.
Board Appointments in the UK
Becoming a Non-Executive Director (NED) is a highly competitive environment with there being far more candidates than there will ever be board vacancies. However, at least 50% of companies with boards recruit a new Board Member every year. That means there are hundreds of thousands of board roles filled annually in the UK.
The question to ask is therefore not ‘are their board opportunities available?’ but rather ‘How do I find them? And How do I get appointed? Answering these questions is what Board Appointments UK does.
Three Big Problems
There are three big problems that prevent people from gaining a board appointment. They are the same for experienced Non-Executive Directors, for those looking for their first appointment, or for people who want to find a paid board role. Once you fix them a board appointment will occur far more quickly than you might ever imagine it could.
PROBLEM 1 – People are unable to define their board aspirations i.e. the names of organisations that you both want and can be appointed to. You spend your time pursuing target organisations that aren’t right for you and aren’t interested in what you have to offer. As a result, you will waste your time and miss out on board roles that are perfect for you.
PROBLEM 2 – An inability to articulate your value at board level: – whether it be verbal – in an interview or in a ‘water-cooler’ moment or in a board CV or board application. This means that even if you get your target organisations correct you will still not be appointed and frustration will grow.
PROBLEM 3 – Working hard but doing things that just don’t work over and over again and becoming exhausted by the ‘thank you, but no thank you’ responses to your applications or silence from board recruiters.
It doesn’t need to be that way
We have helped thousands of people gain board roles by fixing these three big problems. We do it utilising a dedicated team of experts that: tracks down board vacancies, write bespoke Board CVs and utilise decades of board recruitment experience to design practical programs that will ensure that you:
- Find board opportunities that others can’t
- Separate yourself from your competitors
- Get appointed more quickly and frequently and as a result
- Get a far greater return on the investment of your time and effort
If you are spending all your time trying to find the right advertised board vacancies, writing board applications or waiting to get recruiters to call you, you already know that that doesn’t work and is time-consuming and frustrating. But, there is a better way. A way that will unlock the 80+% of roles that are never and will never be advertised or use any formal recruitment process. A way that will separate you from your competitors, make you more appointable and most importantly, get you appointed to the boards of organisations that are actually looking for your experience and skills.
If you…
Don’t know where to begin your board career? Are unsure of the board appointment process and need guidance? Are unclear which board is likely to appoint you and need clarity? Don’t know where to find board opportunities? Are struggling to transition from an Executive/CEO to a Non Executive and need advice? You don’t know how much Non Executives get paid and how long it will take to get appointed? Or, are you just unclear whether a board appointment is for you? Then we can help and…
It isn’t complicated.
With our help a Government, Charity or Commercial board appointment will occur far quicker than you ever imagined regardless of whether you are starting out, want your first paid role or are an experienced Non-Executive trying to develop a portfolio career. It focuses on a simple and easy-to-implement three-step process that has helped thousands and thousands of people get appointed.
What we do works
Utilising decades of international board recruitment experience David Schwarz (CEO & Founder) knows how and why people get board appointments. Utilising this extensive experience, he has designed a 5-step Board Appointment Plan that provides the framework for achieving your board career goals.
There are many who purport to offer you similar services. They have call centres dedicated to getting you to sign up to their overpriced, generic and frankly misleading services. We are different. All of our services are delivered by a team of passionate professionals dedicated to getting you appointed. When you email us you reach the people who deliver the services. There is genuinely no one else in the UK or internationally more committed or better qualified to help you gain a board appointment more than Board Appointments.
Separate yourself from your competitors today.
No matter which package you choose, as a member of Board Appointments UK you will have access to the most effective, practical, and implementable suite of services available, each specifically designed to get you a board appointment based on what you need now.
Utilising 15 years of board recruitment experience and having helped thousands of people gain board roles, we know how and why people gain board appointments. No matter whether you are an experienced Director s a member of Board Appointments UK you will have access to the most effective, practical, and implementable suite of services available, each specifically designed to get you a board appointment based on what you need now.
All our packages have access to the UK’s largest list of board vacancies.
A board appointment in 12 months. That is what the Executive Membership primes you for.
Developed exclusively for those serious about gaining a board appointment or developing a Non-Executive career. Core to the EXECUTIVE PACKAGE is exclusive access to the Board Appointment Training Series and Implementation Sessions + a bespoke NED CV and access to board vacancies.
The Access+ package gives you access to thousands of board vacancies annually and a bespoke NED CV written for you.
Every board vacancy is sourced for you by our team so that you never miss a board opportunity. a bespoke NED CV & LinkedIn profile written for you personally by David Schwarz – the UK’s leading board recruitment expert.
Don’t have time or don’t know where to find board opportunities? You are not alone.
The ACCESS package provides our members access to the thousands of board vacancies we source and list all in the one place. We are The UK’s leading advertiser of human-sourced board opportunities.