About David

David Schwarz is the CEO of Board Appointments (UK), Board Appointments (International) and Board Direction in Australia. He is the leading Non-Executive Director Career Coach and leverages over a decade of international board and executive recruitment experience. David has written the internationally-selling ‘Board Appointments’ Book that takes individuals through the individual steps required to find and gain a board directorship, he has personally written 3,000+ board CVs, is also a Top 10 LinkedIn user with over 25,000 NED connections and has advised thousands of clients on how to develop a board career or gain their first board directorship

The Board Appointment UK Team

Behind the scenes, we have an administration team that looks after the needs of our members including sourcing roles for and maintaining the Vacancies List.


Associate Director

Customer service champion. Alina deals with all our customer enquiries & member support functions.


Board Career Advisor

Board career mentor. 
Ana works closely with David to help people achieve their board career aspirations.


Research Associate

Board search extraordinaire. Lucia is busy finding you board and committee opportunities from across the UK.