Our advice stems from having over a decade of board recruitment experience, having interviewed thousands of candidates, spoken to hundreds of Chairs and by reviewing 10,000+ CVs – we know how and why people get appointed to boards.
The six things to consider before beginning a board career
Most board directors describe finding their first directorship as arduous and time consuming. It is often said that finding a second and third role is equally as difficult! As such, I am often asked what advice I would give to anyone wanting a board position. My immediate answer is always to start looking well before you need one. Beyond this there are six things that you should consider before getting started.
How to get on a board
Landing your first, or subsequent, board seat is no easy matter. For many gaining an opportunity to serve on a board can be arduous and the question most commonly asked question remains, “How do I get on a board?” Motivations and experience aside following this practical advice could increase your chances of being able to serve on a board.
Which board is right for you?
Whilst there is no such thing as a perfect board candidate understanding what boards look for in potential board members should go some way to you answering this question for yourself.
Transitioning from Executive/CEO to Non Executive
In my many past years as a Board and Executive Recruiter I have had countless conversations with both CEO’s looking for their first independent Non Executive role and with Chair/Nomination Committees considering CEOs for their boards.
The perfect board candidate
Whilst there is no such thing as a perfect board candidate understanding what boards look for in potential board members should go some way to you answering this question for yourself.
Non Executive Remuneration – find out what Chairs & NEDs are paid
A question that will undoubtedly come to mind as you start your journey to becoming a Board Member, is the question of how much you can expect to be paid as a member of a board. The amount a Non-Executive could earn depends on a number of different factors.
The Board Search Resources Pack
Gaining a board appointment is a highly competitive exercise so it is critical you understand how people are appointed, what will separate you from your competitors. This comprehensive resources pack will guide you through the minefield of NED recruitment – from finding a suitable board role to preparing for a board interview. Contained within are all the tools and templates you need to “dare them not to appoint you” including: Board CV & Cover Letter templates and a comprehensive list Board Interview Questions plus much more.