The tools for building board connections
At the core of gaining a board appointment are three things you must be clear about and having the tools to build board connections.
Don’t make these board interview mistakes
After interviewing countless board candidates, I have put together some common mistakes that you should avoid.
How to prepare for a Non-Executive Director (NED) interview
Unlike executive interviews, a non-executive director (NED) interview requires a different level of preparation.
Not getting appointed? Take my Board Appointment Quiz
Take my Board Appointment Quiz to keep on track and be more successful at gaining a non-executive director appointment.
From board application to interview – who makes the shortlist?
There are strategies to move from board application to interview. It starts with knowing how those applications are evaluated.
The 3 board selection criteria that matter most
There are 3 selection criteria that matter the most to board chairs when searching for a new non-executive director.
Articulation – The most valuable thing you can do to gain a Board Appointment!
Without being able to articulate your board pitch effectively, you just won’t get appointed.
Want a board appointment? Understanding the Fundamental Attribution Error is well, fundamental.
You need to realise that you are going to get ‘pegged’ – it is up to you how they peg you.
Looking for a UK board appointment? Start Now!
Waiting until the end of your executive career can have a devastating effect on your prospects of gaining a UK Board Appointment.
A UK board role in 2022?
What is 2022 going to look like for you? If a first board appointment or a more significant board role is what you want, then you need to plan now.
What Board can I Realistically be appointed to?
What sort of organisation you want to be appointed to the board of and can be appointed to is fundamental to success.
Finding and gaining a board appointment is not difficult if you address these 6 things
Having worked with thousands of successful NEDs, I can shed some light on the board appointment process.